End of Summer Mini Camp
Age: 5- 13 years
Want to enjoy a little more summer fun before school starts? Join us for End of Summer Mini Camp, a one-week extension camp! This camp starts at the conclusion of our regular eight-week camp season. Campers will have a blast as they participate in a multitude of activities including sports, arts and crafts, games and outdoor activities. Campers will swim two days a week (Wednesday & Friday) from 12:30-3pm at the Grayslake Family Aquatic Center and take an off-site field trip on Tuesday & Thursday. Please check www.glpd.com/summer-camps for the finalized field trip schedule by April 11. Camp days consist of semi-unstructured time to allow for campers to unwind and have some quiet time to recharge their energy levels.
Bring to camp every day: a reusable water bottle, healthy snack and a sack lunch, plus sunscreen, swimsuit and towel. Please note refrigerators are not available at camp. Please include your camper’s shirt size on your registration form. Each camper receives one t-shirt per summer that must be worn on field trip days. Parents are responsible for reviewing the Camp Handbook online and must return the additional Emergency Forms prior to or on the first day of camp.
Optional hot lunch: Hot lunch is offered every Wednesday and Friday throughout the summer. Lunch menus are available at camp and must be completed and turned into the Camp Director with payment each day.
Full Day Weekly Options: 8:30am – 3:30pm
Location: Central Park (250 Library Lane, check-in at the Concessions Stand)
Length: 1 week sessions
Min/Max: 25 / 100
Register By: One week prior
Stay & Play: 3:30 – 6:00pm
If you don’t get out of work until after camp ends, your child can stay & play.
Location: Central Park (250 Library Lane, check-in at the Concessions Stand)
Length: 1 week sessions
Min/Max: 10 / 50
Register By: One week prior
Please note – Early Bird and Daily options are not offered for End of Summer Mini Camp.